Objednajte si svoju vstupenku už DNES on-line, a vyhnite sa prípadnému čakaniu pri pokladni.
On-line vstupenka Vás oprávňuje k priamemu vstupu bez čakania.
Výhody pre vás:
Deti do 80 cm majú u nás vždy VSTUP ZADARMO.
Všetky vonkajšie atrakcie sú v cene vstupenky a ZADARMO môžete ich využiť opakovane po celý deň
V cene 1 vstupenky máte ZADARMO vstup na 3 rôzne akcie: Šmolkovská dedinka, Šmolkovské smart city a vonkajší lunapark
Pre držiteľov ZTP-P je zvýhodnená vstupenka so sprievodom ZADARMO
Navyše pre Vás ponúkame zvýhodnené Rodinné, Detské, Študentské, vstupné, alebo špeciálne vstupné pre Školy
Happy Hours
Mon - Fri
Basic entrance fee
Family 2+2
Family 2+3
Seniors over 65, ZŤP
Schools and children's groups
(10 or more children under 15 years old)
Happy Hours
(at the entrance Mon - Thurs until 12:00)
Sat - Sun
fast track
Children under 80 cm are admitted for free.
ZŤP-S vs tupenka has a free escort .
Vstupenka platí do šmolkovskej dedinky, zábavnej zóny na prvom poschodí obchodného centra,
aj do vonkajšieho lunaparku. Všetky vonkajšie atrakcie sú v cenne.
Tickets can be purchased directly on the spot or via the official Ticketportal pre-sale.
It is possible to pay in cash or by credit card at the ticket office of the exhibition as well as in the souvenir shop.
How does a VIP ticket work?
Free entrance to the park at any time without time limit,without reservation. Priority entry to Smurfs World and virtual reality attractions. VIP ticket is a one-time ticket that is valid for 60 days from the date of purchase.
Priority entry is NOT valid at the souvenir shop checkout and NOT valid at the refreshment stand.
** virtual attractions are charged extra (children's attraction = €2 / VR = €3)
Take advantage of our smurf happy hours and come to the park on weekdays from Monday to Thursday until 12:00 p.m.
You can buy a discounted ticket for 10 Euros directly at the box office of the exhibition.
You can purchase Happy Hour tickets only until the park's capacity is full. Not valid during holidays.
Other ticket sellers
MONDAY –FRIDAY 10 : 00–19:00
Last entry at 18:00
The box office closes at 18:00